Life Force Energy Activations & Impersonal dimension.
In-person & Online

Life force energy: a transformative force dormant within, waiting to awaken and unlock extraordinary potentials of aliveness, creativity, consciousness and self-realization. Embark on a journey of inner awakening and embrace the power within.

🇫🇷 Formation en français : Rejoins ma formation de Décembre 2024 - en France - et deviens toi aussi facilitateur.

🇬🇧 Training in english : Join my training in Portugal in March 2025 and become a Life force energy facilitator.

Train with me


  • 🌟 Immersion weekend ".transfOrm." Paris countryside🌟 11 - 13 of October

    Enjoy a deep 3 days / 2 nights experience the magical Chenou domain at 1H15 from Paris. Together, let’s go deep into the work for a life changing experience and to connect with your limitlessness.



Shop my Magic Cacao (ceremonial grade) and Blue Lotus flower to connect every day to your heart and expand your intuition.



OCTOBRE . Du Vendredi 11 au Dimanche 13

🇫🇷 Immergez-vous dans un voyage transformateur centré sur le travail de l'énergie vitale. Rejoignez-moi pour un week-end intense où vous recevrez 4 activations d’énergie vitale et participerez à diverses pratiques conçues pour favoriser votre croissance et votre expansion. Connectez-vous avec des personnes partageant les mêmes valeurs et intérêts tandis que vous laissez derrière vous votre ancienne peau, pour embrasser de nouveaux commencements. Embarquez dans un voyage intérieur profond vers la découverte de soi et l'éveil. Rejoignez-moi et déverrouillez le plein potentiel qui est en vous.

🇬🇧 Immerse yourself in a life-changing journey centered around Kundalini energy work. Join us for an intense weekend where you’ll receive 4 Life Force activations and various practices designed to nurture your growth and expansion. Connect with like-minded individuals as you shed your old skin to embrace new beginnings. Embark on a profound inner journey towards self-discovery and awakening. Join us and unlock the potential within you.


About me

I'm Sofia, a passionate human and artist of life. My own journey began unexpectedly during a Life force activation. Although I had no prior involvement in the spiritual realm, that one session changed everything. It triggered a profound spiritual and “human'“ awakening within me, igniting a calling to work with this transformative energy and share it with others.

Since then, I have undergone professional training to create sacred spaces for others, guiding them to access their life force energy and inner wisdom. It is both an honor and a joy to witness your growth and evolution as we explore the depths of who you are, together.

I am here to support you on this path of awakening, as we embark on a transformative journey side by side. Join me and let's uncover the power of Kundalini within, unlocking your true potential and embracing the magic of life.


  • Life force activation

    Online & in-person.
    Lie down on a mat and surrender to your inner magic, to connect with your life force energy and your pure consioussness. An activation is a musical journey of self-discovery to transport you to states of bliss, euphoria, emotional release and deep connection to yourself and to the universe. As you drop deeper and deeper into the practice you'll feel your body and mind become more open, vibrant, alive and magical.

  • Immersion day / week-end

    Experience a profound immersion with your energy during these one-day/weekend and retreat. Immerse yourself in a series of transmissions that will ignite and awaken your life force energy, facilitating a deep connection to higher states of consciousness. Through the repeated transmissions, your energetic system will be intensely activated, allowing for profound healing and the creation of the life and reality you truly desire.

  • Bodywork & dearmouring

    Experience deep energetic release and healing with Bodywork & Dearmouring sessions. Clear blockages, release deep traumas and restore balance using breathwork, emotional release, energy work, and body de-armouring techniques. Create a sacred space to surrender, allowing profound transformation and renewal. Unlock your body's wisdom, awaken self-awareness, and embrace your full potential. Ignite your life force energy and embody wholeness.


Each experience is unique and it is a real honor for me to be a vessel of this magnificent and divine energy. Thank you to these beautiful souls for sharing their experience about the energy and about me as a space holder. I hope you will feel and enjoy their beautiful sharing and divine vibrations. With all my love.
