About me

My name is Sofia and I am a Kundalini Energy Facilitator and a Kundalini Bodywork Therapist. Prior to my work with Kundalini, I spent my career in marketing and owned a clothing brand in Bali. While I wouldn't have considered myself a spiritual person at the time, that all changed when I attended a Kundalini Activation transmission to support a friend. The experience completely transformed my life overnight, revealing an inner knowing that I was meant to work with this energy and share it with others.
After about ten sessions, my responsiveness to this energy became so strong that I began to spontaneously share it with those around me. This experience confirmed that my purpose was to dedicate myself to sharing Kundalini energy, guiding people through their own Kundalini experiences and life transformations.

In 2022, I returned to Europe and completed a Kundalini Activation Facilitator training in Spain- with the Ksisters- to deepen my relationship and understanding of this magical, sacred energy that I now hold space for. Most recently, I completed the Kundalini Bodywork and de-armouring training with Elliott Saxby in March 2023. This training allowed me to learn body de-armouring, helping people with severe to moderate traumas, while also incorporating polarity with the feminine and masculine energy and shadow work in my approach.

My purpose as a Kundalini Energy Facilitator is to help you tap into your highest potential and awaken your true self. Through my own transformative journey, I have realized the immense power of Kundalini energy and how it can completely change one's life. I am passionate about guiding others to experience this life-changing energy and supporting them in their journey of self-discovery.

If you feel a calling to awaken your life force energy and embark on a journey of self-discovery, I am here to support you. Together, we can navigate through the challenges that may arise and uncover the true essence of your being. Let's embark on this journey together and unlock your full potential.

«  If you truly loved yourself, you could never hurt another. »

— Gautam Buddha