Each experience is unique and it is a real honor for me to be a vessel of this magnificent and divine energy. Thank you to these beautiful souls for sharing their experience about the energy and about me as a space holder. I hope you will feel and enjoy their beautiful sharing and divine vibrations.

With all my love.


  • Ada (online session)

    “Working with Sofia has been an amazing experience. I’ve been practicing KAP for over 2 years with another practitioner. However, I wanted to give Sofia a try and the experience blew my mind. The energy took me to a hidden, old story that I’ve been running away from. It took some time for me to integrate but I’m feeling good and so much better now. What a beautiful experience! Thank you again Sofia. 🙏🏽”

  • Alexander (in-person session)

    “I have had 2 KAP sessions with other facilitators before and i could not believe how much more profund and beautiful my session with Sofia turned out to be. I just never felt so connected to my true self before. In the sharing i could hardly even talk cause tears of pure joy and thankfulness kept running over my face for over 20 minutes straight. Thank you Sofia for creating such a safe space for all us! The way you opened your heart and connected with us was more than special. A week has passed now and i can still feel this beautiful connection inside. It is just beautiful.”

  • Emma (online)

    “The virtual KAP session with Sofia was deeply regenerating ☺️ At many moments it felt like the focus of her transmission was on me personally, even though it was a digital group session. So wonderful. During the transmission I had incredible sensations in my body. Simultaneously, it was like an energetic travel journey where my mind was completely empty and I was “gone”! It was deeply relaxing.
    I will surely treat myself with a virtual KAP session more often, and would absolutely recommend it! ☺️ 💕 Also interesting is that since then my cat is glued to me and wants love all the time, which isn’t her style normally. “

  • Leonie (in-person session)

    “My Kundalini Activation with Sofia was just magical! From the first moment we met I felt safe with her and also safely guided in the journey.
    The experience itself is really hard to describe for me, I felt energy moving through my body in ways I have never experienced before. The days and weeks after the activation I felt so grounded and connected to myself. My whole energetic frequency had shifted and I felt so deeply connected to myself, nature, the universe and to pure love. Its so hard to put into words - but I was really able to stay connected to and aware of myself as pure consciousness. Since then I have felt more empowered and connected to myself and my own energy. Thank you so much Sofia!”