25 - 30 of MARCH, 2025 - PORTUGAL

Learn my methods and receive a rich and unique training that will transform your personal and professional life.

Next training: March 25-30, 2025 - Portugal.


At first, nothing predestined me to do what I do today. Former owner of my own fashion brand, my life took a radical turn three years ago after my first Life Force Activation session. It took just one session for me to realize that my life was going to change and that I had found my true calling. I then left the world of fashion and marketing to fully dedicate myself to energy work, as the calling was too strong. I knew this was my life mission.

For several years now, I have had the privilege of supporting over 1000 people in their energy work and the development of their unique gifts. Today, I wish to offer you the best training. Offer the training I would have dreamed of. After attending six different training on energy, bodywork, and trauma, it was essential for me to create a training that brings together all my knowledge in order to pass it on to you.

My ambition is to make you one of the best facilitators. For this, I have surrounded myself with the most renowned experts in their respective fields; to guarantee you a rich and truly professionalizing training. My goal is clear: to prepare and legitimize you so that you can, in turn, create healing spaces. You will benefit from a perfect balance between in-depth theoretical knowledge, intensive practice, and mindset support.

For who is this training for?

This training is perfect for you if :

  • You feel a deep desire to master energy work to become an inspiring guide and transform others' lives.

  • You want to develop strong and professional skills in energy work to offer powerful and safe healing sessions.

  • You dream of creating a fulfilling and prosperous professional activity in the field of energy and well-being.

  • You want to learn from the best experts and benefit from a complete and in-depth training.

  • You seek to join a committed community and share your experiences with other passionate facilitators.

  • You are ready to invest in maintaining a high vibration and staying motivated in your journey.

All your concerns will be addressed during the training, including :

  • The fear of not being up to par or not knowing how to channel energy properly. Doubts are normal, and I am here to help you overcome them.

  • The fear of criticism and judgment, or failure in this new path.

  • Doubts about how to start and develop an activity in the energy field.

  • Uncertainty about the best way to attract and retain clients with your energy skills.

  • The difficulty of balancing your own well-being while helping others.

If you recognize yourself in these desires and challenges, this training is designed to accompany you and provide the knowledge, practice and the support necessary to succeed in this energy work. The most important thing for me is that you can follow your life calling and transform it into a fulfilling and impactful career. Together on this path ♡


  • Online courses

    You will have access to several online courses on:

    • Working with Life force energy

    • The nervous system and the body

    • Basics of medicinal plants

    • Access to a song base for your playlists

    You will also benefit from examples of contracts / GTC and other essential bonuses for the practical aspects of your future activity.

    Access to these courses/contents is for 12 months.

  • 6 days in person: March 25-30, 2025

    This is the heart of your training. During these 6 days we will spend together, you will learn to hold these energy healing spaces. You will discover how to channel energy, and together we will find your unique way to make it resonate.

    In addition to these teachings, two days will be dedicated to in-depth training on the nervous system and the human body. It is essential to have solid knowledge in these areas, and you will have the privilege of learning alongside the best experts.

  • 6 Months of follow-Up

    It is essential for me that you feel supported and guided in this new stage of your life. After the in-person part, you will benefit from 6 months of online follow-up with:

    • 1 activation per month to continue your personal work and maintain a high vibration.

    • 1 Q&A / mindset call per month

    • Access to an exclusive community of facilitators.

    • Exclusive access to events reserved only for you.

The secret domain of the training

The training will take place in Portugal, a land that offers high energy and very high frequencies. I am currently in search of the perfect venue, but it will be no more than 1.5 hours from Lisbon. It will provide all the comfort and inspiration needed for your personal growth and learning journey.

Discover the team

  • Sofia Soane


  • Pierre Dufraisse

    Discover him HERE

  • Staiv Gentis

    Discover him HERE


The training price is €2800, including online modules, 6 intensive days in person, and 6 months of online follow-up.

  • Single payment: no fees

  • Payment facilities: in 2 or 4 installments without fees. See the details with me directly once the application is submitted and accepted.

FAQ: your frequently asked questions

What are the conditions for enrolling in the training?

  • Having attended 3 sessions online or in person. It is important to know this frequency before training.

  • Having the desire to dedicate yourself to others and be oriented towards giving and the well-being of others. It is important that this choice is aligned and that you are truly motivated by the desire to share.

Will I be certified after the training?

Yes. You will receive a certificate of completion once the training is successfully completed and validated by the panel of 3 trainers.

Can I start working immediately after the training?

Yes. This training is professionalizing and allows you to start working and create your own spaces immediately. You will have access to mindset coaching for 6 months after the training so that you do not feel alone in this new life.

Are there payment options?

Yes, you can benefit from installment payments. Payments can be made in 1, 2, or 4 installments without fees.

What teaching methods are used?

The training will include a combination of theories, practical exercises, guided meditations, and Q&A sessions to offer you a complete and immersive training.

What type of course material is provided?

You will have access to online course materials including videos and PDF documents, to help you deepen your knowledge and keep important information available.

Is the training accessible to all levels?

Yes, this training is designed to accommodate both beginners and those who already have experience in the energy/coaching and well-being field. Each participant will receive exactly what they need based on their level.

What are the benefits of joining a community of facilitators?

It will be like a big family. By joining this community, you will benefit from a support network, sharing experiences, professional advice, and collaboration opportunities with other facilitators.

What are the expected results after the training?

At the end of the training, you will be able to effectively channel life force energy, create and maintain healing spaces, and apply your knowledge to help others. You will also have the necessary knowledge to support your own evolution and maintain a high vibrational rate.

Are there any contraindications?

The training is not accessible for the following cases:

Psychological: bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, severe major depression, severe anxiety disorders (such as panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder), severe personality disorders (such as borderline personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder), severe obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), history of psychosis, severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), active addictions (drugs, alcohol), patients under neuroleptic or antipsychotic treatment

Physical: Cardiovascular disorders (history of heart attack, stroke...), epilepsy, glaucoma, high blood pressure, severe asthma, recent surgery less than 4 months ago, pregnancy, severe musculoskeletal disorders (such as severe herniated disc, severe arthritis), uncontrolled diabetes or complications related to diabetes, severe autoimmune diseases (such as lupus or multiple sclerosis with active symptoms), serious or contagious infectious diseases (such as active tuberculosis)